Due to a surge in estrogens in the body, a cat may start feeling the heat after the week of giving birth to the kittens. The cycle generally repeats every two or three weeks, depending on the health of the cat. In some cases, the cat may go back to the heat after one month as well. 

When will a cat go into heat after having kittens?

There is a misconception that female cats cannot get pregnant while taking care of kittens. However, this concept is entirely invalid.

Certain breeds go back to the heat cycle after 4 weeks if the breeding season is still active. The cat will be nursing the kitten and may feel the heat at the same time.

How many litters can a cat have in a year?

How often do cats go into heat after having kittens

The average size cat can have around five little a year. More than five litters in a year are sporadic cases and depending on several health factors.

Generally, the gestation period of a cat is roughly 2 months, so it makes it possible for the cat to have two cycles of pregnancy every year and can have babies.

How often do cats go into heat after having kittens

How often do cats go into heat in a year?

Female cat goes into the heat every two or three weeks. The mating season lasts from the early spring to the fall. During this period, the cat will find the mate and continue the cycle.

Every heat cycle lasts around six days. The animals have a rapid breeding period where the cycle repeats frequently and allows the cats to get pregnant.

Therefore, the cat may have approx three to five litters in a year.

Why does my cat go into heat every 2 weeks

Why does my cat go into heat every 2 weeks?

The cat heating cycle is important for the animal. If your cat does not get out of the house during the season, she will not mate with the male cat. In this case, the heating cycle will repeat every few weeks until she gets pregnant or is spayed. 

When you see your cat during this period, you will observe she will feel like she is constantly in heat. It not good health practice for the cat.

The cat sometimes stresses out and feels unhealthy. Some cat loses weight during this period.

Additionally, the cat changes her behavior and may become aggressive. Therefore, she must find a mate when it is time to get pregnant and have a kitten.

How often do cats go into heat after having kittens

What to expect when the cat is going through a heat cycle?

The heat cycle is a natural process that every animal goes through during the year. The female cats go into heat when she turns six months of her age. In certain environmental conditions, the heat period may come early in the cat. 

A breed like Siamese goes into a heat cycle when she turns 4 months. An average cycle for the heat is ten months. 

During the heat cycle, the cat will turn a little shy and become more affectionate towards you. 

Her meow sound will turn to the howl. This is the early sign of the cat that she is going through the heating cycle. 

You will notice that your cat will start playing with the chair’s dining table and rub her body near everything she finds around. She will begin to making purr sounds very loud. 

The tail of the cat will start to move straight up. Some cats may also begin to spraying urine in the house and run outdoors to find the mate. 

She tries to attract the male cat during this period with her natural sign and activities. Her purr sound, affection, and change our behavior is the common sign of the heat period.

How often do cats go into heat after having kittens

Cats puberty period

Moreover, during puberty, the cat will experience a rise in estrogen in the body. The estrogen makes the body heat up. The heating may last for a week. 

This cycle generally repeats every two to three weeks, and during this period, the cat will try to go close to the male cat for the mating. 

Also, the cat will have a vaginal discharge which sometimes appears bloody. 

Generally cat breeding period begins in the spring and summer. After the cat gets pregnant, she will give birth to the kitten after 65 days of conception. 

Once the kittens are born, the cat can go back to the heating after one week to one month, depending on the cat’s health condition. 

When kittens go into a heat cycle?

When kittens go into a heat cycle?

The heat is the biological changes that happen to the kitten when they turn 4 months or older. The kitty’s estrus cycle begins, which is responsible for reproduction. It is similar to the human menstrual cycle. 

If the female cat is not spayed, she will again go into the heat cycle at six months. Some breeds go into a heat period at the age of four months.

The heat is the biological changes that happen to the kitten when they turn 4 months or older. The kitty’s estrus cycle begins, which is responsible for reproduction. It is similar to the human menstrual cycle. 

If the female cat is not spayed, she will again go into the heat cycle at six months. Some breeds go into a heat period at the age of four months.

  • A cat can go into the heat every two to three weeks. The cycle repeats throughout the year. 
  • A cat can become pregnant on first occurrence or first heat period as well. 
  • Unlike humans, the cat will not have menopause. Therefore, the cat feels the heat at old age.
  • You can quickly identify the cat’s heat cycle by observing her behavior. The cat will behave friendly and affectionately when she is going through the heat cycle. She will try to run outdoor to find the mate.


As we have seen, the cat can have the heat cycle at an early age. The four-month-old cat also feels the heat, and there is a possibility of getting pregnant at the first occurrence. 

The heat cycle repeats throughout the years, so you can observe the change in the cat’s behavior when she has a heat cycle. 

The spring and the summer is the great time when the cat can get pregnant. 

The pregnancy period will last for 65 days, and after that, the cat will have another heating cycle even the cat is nursing the kitten. 

Read cats understand kisses

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